Schemes |
Val-Q Large-Cap Blue Chip Fund |
Val-Q Mid-Cap High Quality Fund |
Val-Q Mutual Fund Portfolio |
Objective |
To generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in large market cap stocks |
To generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in medium and small market cap stocks |
To seeks to generate long term capital appreciation from a basket of Mutual fund Schemes |
Focus |
On the company fundamentals rather than on the market momentum |
On identifying the stocks having better growth prospects, ability to gain market share due to better product/services or technology and room for multiple expansion when the company transforms from a small/mid cap to a large cap |
Portfolio that invests in the domestic debt mutual fund, equity mutual fund schemes and ETFs. |
Portfolio Diversification |
20-25 large cap stocks |
25-35 mid/small cap stocks |
The Portfolio Manager shall select schemes of various asset classes and sectors based on equity valuations and forward outlook. |
Portfolio Turnover |
Low |
Medium |
Low |
Suitability |
For investors averse to high risk/volatility with an investment horizon of at least 3 years. |
For investors who can take high risk/volatility with an investment horizon of at least 3 years |
For investors averse to high risk/volatility with an investment horizon of atleast 3 years. |
Benchmark |
CNX Nifty Index |
CNX Mid-cap Index |
CNX Nifty Index |